Everybody go buy this album! "Malleus Maleficarum"(it looks like "Mallevs Maleficarvm" for some weird reason on the cover, but I assure you it's not) by the Dutch death metal band Pestilence changed my life forever. I came across it in a cassette bargain bin at a Coconuts maybe 5 years ago and got it along with 2 other tapes for 2 bucks or so. It quickly got lost in the shuffle because I purchased it alongside this-
Back to the Pestilence album- I might have briefly listened to it and thought it sounded like some ok old death metal, but overall I thought nothing of it. Besides, who listens to tapes anyway? I really just wanted the awesome Hulk Hogan album.
Fast forward to about a year ago when I found myself with no CD player in my car and I had to sadly resort to listening to tapes again. There I was, driving in my car in 2008, listening to the same NOFX and Fugazi tapes I listened to on my walkman when I was a douchebag high school freshman. I bet at the time I didn't think I would still be listening to tapes over 10 years later. I probably thought I would be listening to some kind of hologram of NOFX playing live, beamed out to me on my spaceship. I really thought that in the future everything would be a hologram. I also thought that we would be flying around in spaceships by now. As you can see, I didn't accurately predict the future at all.
One day, on my way out the door, I rifled through a bag of my old tapes, looking for some killer tuneage. I found the Pestilence tape and decided to give it another go. I threw it in the ol' tape deck and promptly found myself on the receiving end of a vicious full metal pummeling, care of a criminally overlooked 1988 death metal gem. This album should be held up on a skull shaped pedestal with the likes of "Reign In Blood" and "Slaughter of the Soul" when it comes to great extreme metal albums. Songs like "Subordinate to the Domination" and "Bacterial Surgery" should be regularly on the radio and featured in Guitar Hero. I might be pushing the praise way into overdrive here, but I just really like this album.
Pestilence put out a few other albums and then broke up in 1993. In early 2008, they announced their reunion and they are set to play the Maryland Death Fest later this year. I won't be there, mostly because the thought of 3 days of crazy death metal and grindcore amongst a flock of men with huge hipster beards is slightly offputting to me, but I guarantee I will be there in spirit. I'm sure that means the world to the Pest' (the nickname I gave the band). "Malleus Maleficarum" is the best album that has a name I can't even pronounce and it changed my life forever.
We should totally go to the Maryland Death Fest. I need to see Bolt Thrower.