Hello, friends. I now have a blog. I decided that the best place to get in on hot trends is at the ground floor and here I am now- at the ground floor of the blogging phenomenon!! I just signed in with the concierge and now it's time to hit the button to summon the elevator that I will be riding to the penthouse suite at the top of the internet! (Of course, all of this is meant in a metaphorical sense- I am in my house, not some kind of fancy hotel. I am wearing green sweat pants).
Anyways, pictured here is G.G

Allin. He was a rather notorious punk rock performance artist who built a crazy reputation for himself of being a fucking lunatic right up until his timely death in 1993 of a drug overdose. According to what some guy somewhere said on wikipedia, "Allin is best remembered for his notorious live performances that typically featured wildly
transgressive acts such as Allin defecating and urinating onstage, rolling in feces and often
consuming excrement (coprophagia), committing
self-injury, performing naked, taunting people to perform fellatio on him and committing violent actions toward the audience—often doing many of these things more or less simultaneously". He also made music, but that's probably the least important part about him. He was crazy and defintely set the bar for any shit-eating, on- stage-masturbating, being-violent-towards-the-audience rock n' roll crooner for years to come.
Now, pictured here is beloved television personality Alan Thicke. According to what I know of him purely from memory,
Alan Thicke (born
March 1,
1947) is a
Canadian actor,
game show host and talk-show emcee.

He is best known for his role as Jason Seaver, the
patriarch on the
ABC television series
Growing Pains. He is an icon of 1980's wholesome family sitcoms. He also wrote 2 of television greatest theme songs ever- Diff'rent Strokes and The Facts of Life, which are usually alternately playing on an endless loop in my head throughout the course of a day. To my knowledge he never taunted anyone to perform fellatio on him or rolled around in his own shit while filming Growing Pains, so as you can see, he is the antitheses of Mr. GG Allin. Well, really almost anyone who doesn't get on stage nude and piss and shit all over the place while performing bad punk rock is the antitheses of GG Allin,but the only reason I picked Alan Thicke here is because a few years ago I came up with what I thought was a really great band name- GG ALLIN THICKE.
GG ALLIN THICKE!!! You know that's pretty good, come on.
I was going to start this band with my friend Paul and, as you might imagine, it was going to be some sort of thrash/ grindcore type band that would have really short songs with long ,funny song titles. Kinda like Anal Cunt or Fall Out Boy. It never came to be and maybe that's not such a bad thing because long "funny" song titles have proven to be something that almost everybody hates now. I still haven't closed the book on the GG Allin Thicke band name. I would hate to see such an incredible name go to waste. If anyone wants to buy it from me, contact me via this blog and we can talk turkey. Then, we can negotiate a price. *rim shot*
I've been watching a lot of Andre the Giant matches lately. That's why his pictures up top there. I wish I could re-animate old Andre the Giant and bring him over unannounced to a friends house or something. Oh, well...
Bye for now
I'm not entirely sure that the word "untimely" should be applied to G.G. Allin's overdose. Perhaps his overdose could be more accurately described as "utterly predictable," "inevitable," "nearly clichéd" or "seemingly scripted and right on schedule."