When I was in the 6th grade, I had the McDonald's Arch Deluxe and thought it was really great. I actually might have thought it was the best thing I had ever eaten up until that point. If you don't remember the Arch Deluxe or just didn't get a chance to eat it during the time it was around, it was a burger that was on a soft roll or something. I don't remember much about it, to be honest. Then, it was gone. Forever. McDonalds never brought it back. It was pretty popular and caused quite a stir at the time too, yet not enough to warrant a comeback. Why not? I would like to try it again and see if I was onto something when I was in the 6th grade. My tastes were still developing as I was blossoming into a young man and it's totally possible that I might have thought something mediocre was really great. I listened to the band Soul Asylum and watched shows like Blossom around that time too. However, there's a good chance that I reached the pinnacle of my food consumption in 1993 and I've been chasing the dragon ever since. I really just want an Arch Deluxe and some Crystal Clear Pepsi to wash it down. Someone get me those things on Ebay somehow, Thanks.

Today I went to pick up my girlfriend, Courtney, to go get some bagels. As we were leaving her house, I slipped on a patch of ice on her front steps and came crashing down violently. I let out a groan of intense agony as I hit the steps, with my back and tushy absorbing a great deal of the thunderous impact. With pain etched into every contour of my cherubic face, I feared the worst from this pain journey from my feet to the treacherous icy steps below. Oh, the great pain and discomfort I was enduring! What I would not give to be transported back in time to moments earlier to avoid this non-comedic prat fall by merely choosing a different path down said front steps. I would have really preferred being transported to the not too distant future, wherein I would be enjoying a bagel, not the hurt croissant I was ingesting at that instant. Instead, I was left licking my wounds and cursing the bad hand dealt to me by the cruelest of cruel fates. In all honesty, I kinda wish I was a different guy who had maybe been walking down the street as I was falling and was able to see it happen. I bet it looked and sounded really, really funny. The guttural sound I made alone was prolly worth a chuckle. I'm happy to report that I'm feeling fine now, except for my elbow. When someone gets me the Crystal Clear Pepsi, I'm going to ice my elbow with the can before I drink that 15 year old soda.
I've decided that going forward on this blog, I'm going to pick random years and write about them. First up-1989! I figure that having some themes would be nice. 1989 blog cumming soon!! (I'm also going to try to make the blog sexier, hence the way I spelled coming "cumming". Every bit counts.)
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